Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Baby Boomers and Retirement Planning

Baby Boomers and Retirement Planning

Baby-boomers may have many bonus years of extended middle age and active elder-hood. This was revealed by the demographic and longevity shift in the 20th. century.  Thanks to modern medicine, we are living longer and better than just a generation ago. In 1935, when age 65 was established as the retirement age for full social security benefits, the average life expectancy was 61.7 years. The current life expectancy is 84.8 years for men and 86.8 for women. We're talking about a lot more active years than ever before.
These extra years will be defined by transition, opportunity, experience and risk. 
Proactive and well thought-out planning is essential to successfully navigate and make use of your extra years ahead. An experienced guide can help make your journey more predictable, comprehensive and gratifying.
Retirement Lifestyle Planning is specially designed to help you create  something new. Your roots are well-established; now is the time to evaluate and plan the next chapter of your life.  
With my help you will explore and define your passion, dreams and commitments to create the path to make them a reality. The process includes guiding you to identifying a new purpose and identity that maintains your engagement in a life of vitality and fulfillment.
My reluctant transition from the World of Work to the World of Retirement has been made easier for me through the wisdom and patient guidance from Bill.  My years of 'retirement resistance' and anxiety were finally allayed by Nigel through his continuing encouragement and novel approach in pointing the way to an interesting and lively 'after work' future.
            - Lee M.

Working with Bill I have:
  • identified my core values and the interrelationships between these values
  • developed methodologies to help me use these values as reference points for prioritizing personal and professional activities
  • adopted rituals into my daily routine to help me replenish and sustain my energy levels
            -  William C.

The significant 'take-away' for me was the re-framing of my future from the 'next' stage to the '2nd Half' of my life. The information presented, provoked my thinking towards a different paradigm around possibility and opportunity at hand.
            -  Pat D.

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