Friday, November 2, 2018

Oprah sets her platform with Stacey Abrams!

Oprah sets her platform with Stacey Abrams!
·       She would reverse a state income tax cut.  Supports tax credit for lower-income families, expanding Medicaid and new scholarships and tax credits to make child care more affordable.

Supports expanding Medicaid and exploring a program to stabilize health insurance premiums.

·       Supports “historic investment” in early childcare and learning and public schools and a needs-based higher education scholarship.

·       Supports stricter gun laws, including universal background checks for private sales of firearms and a repeal of the “campus carry” legislation that allows permit holders to carry weapons on college campuses.

·       Pledges to eliminate the use of cash bail for some poor defendants, backs taking steps to decriminalize marijuana, expanding accountability courts and ending capital punishment.

·       Opposed Georgia House Bill 87, a crackdown on illegal immigration that lawmakers approved in 2011, saying it has “harmed our immigrant and refugee communities.”

·       Religious Liberty; opposed bills that threatened to legalize discrimination or allow some Georgians to be treated differently under the law.

·       Opposes further abortion restrictions. Planned Parenthood endorsed her during the primary campaign.

·       Marijuana: She supports in-state cultivation of marijuana for medicinal purposes. She would seek to decriminalize some marijuana offenses, and invoked a new Atlanta policy that calls for a maximum fine of $75 and no mandatory jail time for small amounts.

·       Climate Change: Calls “climate change is real” and would strengthen environmental protections. She says her policies could put the state in position to create as many as 45,000 high-wage jobs in the growing alternative energy sector.