Saturday, November 5, 2011

Take The Risk Out of Hiring

Get help, don't go it alone!

One of the most important activities that impacts business success is hiring talented people into the right position.  However, research tells us this is one activity that is most often poorly executed in most businesses; especially smaller firms.  The cost for a hiring mistake in recent studies range from 2 – 3 times the person’s salary; a $50K person will cost somewhere around $100K to $150K.  Why is this true?  What can we do about it?

There are two key factors that create poor hiring decisions:

Ø  Not having a hiring process that is designed to identify good candidates and screen out people that should not be hired.

Ø  Most hiring managers hire with such little frequency they have insufficient practice working through the process, using assessment tools effectively and utilizing excellent interviewing techniques and methods.
I help managers in the hiring process to overcome the above impediments.  Also, I add additional elements that are proven best practices that increase the probability of making good hiring decisions to help ensure new hires are successful.

The hiring process is designed to be a screen to ensure only talented and capable people make it through. 

A simple model: